This discussion addresses the proposed phasing and implementation priorities of the 120 actions contained in this Management Plan. Table 16 lists the goals and policies of each of the twenty programs included in the Plan. Each action is then summarized and the proposed phasing and priority is shown in terms of the following:
Ongoing – These actions are already in place and are expected to continue to occur as appropriate throughout the life of the Plan. For example, Action 13-1.2. Work with regulatory agencies and property owners to protect endangered and other special interest species and their habitats at CSMR. Such actions are expected to occur on a regular basis rather than being one-time actions or actions that occur over a relatively short period of time.
Short-Term – These actions are expected to occur during the first five-year period of implementation of the Plan (assumed to be late 1997 through the end of 2002). For example, there may be a program, study, or project that needs to be implemented before another one is initiated, therefore the former would be a short-term priority and the latter a long-term priority. In addition, those programs or projects that involve fundamental safety issues and/or urgent recovery of endangered species and their habitats would be considered priorities during the first five years of the Plan. The short-term actions are listed in priority order for implementation as follows:
(A) Priority These are actions that should be implemented in the first year after the Executive Committee has been convened (see Program 9.0). In some cases, these are actions that are already underway or those that involve an ongoing effort for the life of the Management Plan.
(B) Priority These are actions that should be implemented after the Executive Committee has been convened and by-laws adopted. Many of these actions involve coordination with other agencies in matters of importance to the estuary, including sediment removal, reduction in predators, etc.
(C) Priority These are actions that should be implemented once the Executive Committee has been established, bylaws adopted, and implementation of the Management Plan is underway. Many of these actions also involve coordination with agency members of the Management Advisory Committee.
Long-Term – These actions are expected to occur no sooner than 2003. The phasing proposed may reflect the need to complete other programs or projects first, or it may be an action that is less critical than some of the short-term priorities.
It is understood that the priorities and phasing presented in Table 16 reflect the ideal sequence of implementation of the actions. In reality, the timing of the implementation will be determined by the availability of funding and various regulatory or administrative approvals. The intent is that funding will be pursued for the highest priority programs and their actions, i.e., the actions that are shown as short-term priorities on Table 16. The twelve (A) priority actions are:
Action 1-2.1. Upon the completion and endorsement of the Carpinteria Salt Marsh Management Plan (as outlined in Part II-F, Approval and Amendment Process), the City of Carpinteria, Land Trust for Santa Barbara County, University of California, and other owners shall be encouraged to sign cooperative agreements or other documents of similar intent. This action will permit the expansion of the boundaries of Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve to include all additional parcels, thus resulting in the Reserve and ecosystem boundaries being essentially equivalent as shown in Figure 25 (Also see Part II-D, Action 10-4.1).
Action 5-4.4. A copy of the UCSB Field Safety Guide shall be made available to users at the sign-in podium at the entrance to the Reserve.
Action 9-1.1. Recognize the UC Natural Reserve System and its Managers as the management authority at the Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve.
Action 9-1.2. Establish the Carpinteria Salt Marsh Management Advisory Committee, which will be advisory to the UCSB Natural Reserve System Reserve Manager. The Reserve Manager shall work with this committee to develop and implement a Management Coordination Program that will pro-vide the forum for resolution of issues relating to the CSMR. The Committee shall have the following membership:
a. One representative for each of the owners of parcels, or groups of parcels, in the Reserve;
b. One representative from each of the identified federal, state, city, organization, corporate, and university agencies or public interest groups that have a role or interest in Carpinteria Salt Marsh.
c. One representative each from the County Flood Control District and Planning and Development Departments.
The Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve will be managed by the UCSB Natural Reserve System in association with the CSMR Faculty and Reserve Managers, and the UCSB NRS Advisory Committee, and in coordination with the CSM Management Advisory Committee, consistent with this Plan. Day-to-day management of the Reserve will be handled by the Reserve Manager. In contrast, major maintenance, restoration, enhancement, or Flood Control projects that include more than University land should be co-sponsored by the University, Land Trust, and/or other appropriate land owners.
Action 9-1.3. Establish the Executive Committee of the Carpinteria Marsh Management Advisory Committee (CSMAC), which will include ten members and one ex-officio member, as follows (see Figure 24):
UCSB Faculty Manager
Land Trust for Santa Barbara County
County Flood Control District
County Planning and Development Department
City of Carpinteria
Sandyland Protective Association
Sandyland Cove Homeowner’s Association
Union Pacific Railroad Co.
Agriculture/greenhouse operator
Residential property owner not included in a homeowner’s association
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve Manager (ex-officio member)
The Executive Committee will work in coordination with the Reserve Manager on major matters relating to management and restoration of the Reserve as outlined under Action 9-1.2 above.
Action 9-1.4. Within one year of adoption of the Management Plan, the Executive Committee shall work with the Reserve Manager to develop and adopt bylaws that address the following:
a. Reserve Manager’s role on the Executive Committee as ex-officio or non-voting;
b. Election of the Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Management Advisory Committee and Executive Committee for one year terms. The Reserve Manager shall not be eligible to be Chairman of the two committees.
c. A process to resolve concerns between the Management Advisory Committee, Executive Committee, and/or the UC Natural Reserve System Managers;
d. UCSB Natural Reserve System staff to serve as support staff to the two committees; and
e. Other issues relevant to the overall management of the Reserve.
Action 10-2.1. The City of Carpinteria shall be lead agency for acquisition of Ash Avenue parcels within the City limits. The Land Trust for Santa Barbara County shall serve as lead organization for the purchase of parcels within the County portion of Carpinteria Salt Marsh.
Action 10-3.1. Coordinate with the Land Trust or other appropriate agencies in the acquisition of conservation easements over privately-owned parcels within Basin III of the marsh.
Action 10-4.1. Upon the completion and endorsement of the CSMR Management Plan, the City of Carpinteria, Land Trust for Santa Barbara County, University of California, and other owners shall be encouraged to sign cooperative agreements or other documents of similar intent to permit the expansion of the boundaries of CSMR to include all additional parcels, thus resulting in the Reserve and ecosystem boundaries being essentially equivalent.
Action 12-1.1. Work with the City of Carpinteria, State Coastal Conservancy, and Land Trust for Santa Barbara County to implement the “Carpinteria Salt Marsh Restoration Plan, Phase I – Ash Ave. Area”.
Action 17-4.1. Assist the Flood Control District in the sponsoring, permitting, and implementation of the Carpinteria Marsh Enhancement Plan as outlined in the Restoration and Enhancement Program and the Flood Control Program of this Plan.
Action 19-1.2. Facilitate implementation of the Carpinteria Marsh Restoration Plan, Phase II – CSM Enhancement Plan to reduce sedimentation and enhance tidal flushing of the marsh, and to maintain the flood control function of the concrete channels upstream of the marsh (see also 17.0 Catastrophic Event Response Program, Action 17-4.1).
When the Management Plan is amended as outlined in the following section, Table 16 will be revised as appropriate.